Author: Miklos Breitner

Golf Equipment Industry in social media (part 3)

By: 2009. 09. 20.

You probably asking me, after reading golf equipment industry in social media (part 2) why do I emphasize the importance/role of social media in golf product communication and how it will gear up sales. Starting point is 72%…

Golf courses are not just target golf

By: 2009. 09. 19.

I think golf professionals are starting to appreciate golf courses that provide them challenge to master Mother Nature. John Daly, in the last edition of Golf Monthly (October 2009.), says that the European golf courses are more than…

Public golf courses in “hybrid way”

By: 2009. 09. 17.

Toyota came out recently with an interesting website to promote its Prius and the idea of environment protection. What is the connection between Toyota Prius and public golf courses? Environment consciousness is gaining momentum, not just in the… has shared: 15+ Tools For The Best Golf Season Ever

By: 2009. 09. 17. wanted to share this with you: Some of the great things in social media that you can spread your thoughts to a much broader audience than via any other media plus organize your social life as well.…

Have you heard about Piranha Golf?

By: 2009. 09. 15.

Last week I received an invitation on from Andrew Snook, the CMO of Piranha Golf. I must admit I have not heard about this Australian golf manufacturer. My first step was to visit the brand site:…

Who cares about Golf Digest’s TOP100?

By: 2009. 09. 12.

Many publishers (e.g. Golf Magazine, Golf Digest) think if they create TOP50/100/200/500 lists of companies, influencers etc. Sounds familiar? Yes, of course. We also know that the unhidden goal to sale more copies. In the era of web…

Golf club managers are earning really bad

By: 2009. 09. 11.

When the economic climate is not in favor of golf courses, golf club managers' job descriptions are widening with new skills and duties. In general, the minimum requirements are bachelor's degree, 5+ years experience managing a full service…

China golf market will lead the world

By: 2009. 09. 11.

If China is able to keep this pace of development soon can be the No.1 golf nation and golf equipment manufacturer of the world. China has already surpassed Japan. The annual growth rate of golf courses in the…

R&A’s new website is missing the point

By: 2009. 09. 08.

R&A launched recently a new website, to help golf course developers,owners and average golfers to perform better. Great!! I would expect from such website that it enables me to ask questions from the editors, evaluate content and…

Golf sponsorship budgets are in danger

By: 2009. 09. 07.

As a groundswell, the collapse of the American automotive and financial sector arrived to the golf industry by significant cuts in golf sponsorship budgets. The sponsorships shrunk by 3.7% according to IEG LLC.  As one of the major…

PGA golfers on Twitter

By: 2009. 09. 06.

It is very likely that PGA golf players are also discovering the social media to boost their popularity and indirectly their sponsors, the golf equipment manufacturers. Today I found an interesting website ( collects Twitter accounts of sportsmen…

Golf architecture is facing new challenges

By: 2009. 09. 04.

To the best of my knowledge a classic 18-hole golf course is 6,000 yards that spreads over 100 acres. Today if we check the average golf course territory we find that about 150-200 acres of total land, including…

Do we read golf clubs’ direct mails?

By: 2009. 09. 02.

When I am asking time to time, golf course marketing managers about what kind of communication channels do you use to reach golf club members or prospects, the answer is electronic direct mails (eDM), electronic newsletters. Few days…

Golf Equipment Industry in social media (part 2)

By: 2009. 08. 31.

As last I wrote, I am trying to discover how golf equipment industry are performing in social media particularly in Facebook, Twitter and blogs. In my study I checked the following brands: Ben Hogan, Benross, Callaway, Cleveland, Cobra,…

Golf Equipment Industry in social media

By: 2009. 08. 28.

Recently I found Burson-Marsteller's study how Fortune 100 companies are using social media. Unfortunately non of the major golf equipment producers are on this list. However golf equipment manufacturers should pay attention to this new phenomenon. This founding…

WTTC’s world tourism trends in 2009 versus KPMG’s forecast

By: 2009. 08. 27.

After writing my previous post about golf tourism I started to google for fresh data about world tourism and its impact on world economy and the golf industry. This how I found World Travel & Tourism Council findings: The…

Golf accounts for about $11.3 billion of Canada’s gross domestic product

By: 2009. 08. 26.

Recently the Royal Canadian Golf Association conducted a survey about the Canadian golf industry and life by Strategic Networks Group, Inc. These were the key findings: Canadian golf industry generates $11.3 billion in economic activity; Industry employment estimated…

Golf once again Olympic Game after 105 years?

By: 2009. 08. 25.

In last couple of weeks many rumors appeared in the press both online and offline about the possibility to include golf in the Olympic Games. With G-d help it will be an Olympic game in 2016 if the…

Can we maintain the current green fee pricing policy?

By: 2009. 08. 23.

Before I went to volunteer on the 28th European Senior Golf Championship (by ESGA; 19-22 August 2009.) as a LiveScore counter, I launched a forum topic on about  green fee pricing policy. I received some very interesting…

Where do all golf tweets meet?

By: 2009. 08. 18.

When I was reading the latest edition of Golf Monthly (September 2009; offline edition) I found an interesting post about Bill Reid's new project called BirdieTweet. Immediately I ran to my laptop to find out what's that. It is…