Tag: environmental best practices

Farleigh Golf Club Operation Pollinator program 2021 Syngenta

How did Farleigh Golf Club commit to the Operation Pollinator program?

By: 2021. 09. 27.

I am so excited that another golf club has committed to sustainability and environmental protection by joining the Operation Pollinator program. So kudos to Farleigh Golf Club. Back in January, I have already written about Farleigh Golf Club…

Greater Flamingo at Saadiyat Beach Golf Club-final

Are you impressed by Saadiyat Beach Golf Club’s sustainability efforts?

By: 2021. 06. 08.

It is good to see businesses among them golf clubs like Saadiyat Beach Golf Club are prioritizing sustainability and ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance). A recent Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week study found 87% of executives said improving ESG…