Tag: golf GPS mobile application

What is common in Ronald Reagan and PowaKaddy?

By: 2013. 04. 07.

All started in April 1983 when Joe Catford invented the world's first powered golf trolley out of frustration at having to carry his golf clubs around the golf course. Short after launching it, Tom Watson started to use…

Golf mobile applications as a source of revenue

By: Anthony Douglas 2012. 10. 08.

10 days ago I promised that the founder of Hole19 Golf GPS mobile application, Anthony Douglas will share with us, his thoughts about the golf mobile application industry, and in general about the mobile usage trends. Due to the complexity…

What are the trends in golf mobile application development?

By: 2012. 09. 28.

Back in 2010, Adobe found (Adobe Mobile Experience Survey) that people generally favor the browser experience over downloadable mobile applications, except when it comes to games, social media, maps(!) and music. Accessing maps and directions is the #1…