How to sell more green fees with Greenfee365 and earn more?

By: March 1, 2019

I hear quite often from golf clubs how much green fee revenue they lose when they are using third-party tee time vendors’ services (e.g. GolfNow,, and

Should we be relying on third parties for the growth and sustainability of the future of our golf clubs’ green fee revenue?

The Golf Course Association Europe (formerly Golf Course Owners Association) issued a guideline for golf clubs how to use third-party tee-time resellers.

“If working with a 3rd Party Tee Time Reseller, Golf Courses should design marketing plans that position these Resellers as supporting strategies only, intended to drive incremental business and fill soft demand periods.”

We like to turn to online marketplaces out of convenience either we are golf club managers or regular golfers.

Marketplace buyers are usually in the consideration and intent stage of the customer buying cycle. They’re cashed up and want to spend and sometimes even impulsively.

Usually I hear these 5 limitations of marketplaces:

  1. Fierce competition,
  2. Fees,
  3. Missing customer acquisition,
  4. Branding and sales experience,
  5. Not truly global.
Greenfee365 tee time market

Considering all these facts and constraints, I tried to find possible solutions. This is how I found the Swedish startup company

A green fee marketplace changes the business models and relationships between suppliers/golf clubs and golfers. is trying to prove it is possible to sell green fees economically while reaching as many golfers as possible.

To give you just few examples:

  1. Joining is FREE and they have no-lock-in contracts when checking their agreements you are free to leave whenever you want. The onboarding process with accepting Terms & Conditions is made through a secure blockchain technology to ensure safety for both parties.
  2. You get full control over your product and reducing the amount of time and manual labor you must spend with a lot of 3rd parties. You can use your branding visuals on your page.
  3. Your tee sheet software can be connected through APIs. They connect your tee sheet software and automatize the sales process and reduce the number of manual steps, such as emails and telephone calls.
  4. Using Greenfee365 alongside other sales agencies and tour operators is not a problem. In fact, they encourage a healthy mix of sales channels.
  5. 11 languages are supported: English, German, Spanish, Swedish, Finnish, Danish, French, Italian, Dutch, Russian, and Norwegian.

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