Which UK golf club will use renewable energy-powered defibrillator cabinets first?

By: December 21, 2023

According to data published by the British Heart Foundation in April

  • 460 people will die from heart or circulatory disease,
  • Around 130 of them will be younger than 75,
  • 7.6 million people are living with a heart or circulatory disease.

Just to add to the mood, did you know that high blood pressure is actually the 10th most critical health issue in the UK?

That’s why I thought I’d share with you the news about the implementation of the UK’s first solar and wind-powered defibrillator cabinets. We’re not only saving lives, but we’re also doing it in a sustainable way.

Turtle Defib Cabinets – an innovative manufacturer of defibrillator and bleed control cabinets, bleed control kits, and supplier of medical equipment – has designed and engineered the first solar and wind-powered defibrillator cabinet in the UK (£2,500.00 – £3,200.00 (excl. VAT)).

Kington Golf Club - Turtle wind and solar defibrillator cabinet
Kington Golf Club

Kington Golf Club in Hereford and Northamptonshire Sport, one of 43 non-profit Active Partnerships focused on increasing physical activity levels, were Turtle’s pre-launch partners. 

They assisted with additional research to help set higher standards for saving lives in environments where an electricity supply may be restricted or cost-prohibitive to install. 

Turtle worked with The University of Warwick to conduct academic feasibility studies, which allowed them to engineer a product that successfully captures solar and wind power.

The two-year research and development period was aided by funding from the medical innovation support network Medilink UK.

Defibrillator equipment is battery-powered, but power is required to keep outdoor cabinets at the correct temperature, maintaining the life of the battery and efficacy of the equipment, including the defib pads.

Defibrillator Cabinet exterior

Cabinets are usually wired to an electrical source, but in remote areas or places where installation of an electric feed is cost-prohibitive, solar has been used as an alternative. 

Final thoughts on defibrillator cabinet usage

It’s truly inspiring to see Kington Golf Club prioritize the well-being of its guests and members. By the way, have we established emergency protocols?

Let’s share our best practices in the comments and continue to strive for excellence in all aspects of our club experience.