185 entries: "golf ball"

Virtual golf course or an added value service?

By: 2010. 02. 13.

Thursday I had a great day. I got involved in an interesting initiative of Business Golf International. As companies and not just golf courses are highly motivated to come up with ideas, solutions that will motivate potential customers…

How to save money on golf equipment buying?

By: 2009. 12. 31.

In one of my previous post I wrote about how much worth to pay for a golf club and other golf equipments, like golf balls, putters, wedges, golf clothing, pull carts, golf bags etc.  I cannot stress enough…

How much worth to pay for a golf club?

By: 2009. 11. 10.

Slowly but for sure I am arriving to that stage in my golf learning that I will have to select my golf equipment, golf clubs, golf balls and golf bag. It would not be a big issue if…

Golf Equipment Industry in social media (part 3)

By: 2009. 09. 20.

You probably asking me, after reading golf equipment industry in social media (part 2) why do I emphasize the importance/role of social media in golf product communication and how it will gear up sales. Starting point is 72%…

Public golf courses in “hybrid way”

By: 2009. 09. 17.

Toyota came out recently with an interesting website to promote its Prius and the idea of environment protection. What is the connection between Toyota Prius and public golf courses? Environment consciousness is gaining momentum, not just in the…