Tag: tee time reservations

Jacek Gulmantowicz golf club management software

How to generate more revenue with golf club management software?

By: 2021. 05. 18.

My impression is that golf clubs do not make sufficient use of the potential of golf club management software. To ensure this, I asked Jacek Gulmantowicz, co-founder of Golf Booking Software. Do you think I was right or…

golf club tee time booking in 10 minutes

How to digitize your golf club tee time booking in 10 minutes?

By: 2021. 04. 06.

The current pandemic forced many golf clubs that they should start taking their golf operations’ (including tee time booking) digitalization seriously. If you have read John P. Kotter’s book Leading Change, you might say the COVID-19 pandemic could/is…

What kind of tee sheet system your golf course should have?

By: 2014. 03. 22.

Although online tee time reservations increased 25% from 2012 to 2013, telephone reservation system is still the most dominant/popular form of booking tee times. Why do we complicate our life with such "old school" solution? We don't book our…