Club Car’s Precedent i3 vehicles in Las Colinas Golf Club

By: June 13, 2014

Las Colinas Golf & Country Club is the first venue in Europe to have implemented Club Car’s new Precedent i3 vehicles, launched in early 2014.

Las Colinas Golf & Country Club ClubCar

Why is this noteworthy from customer experience and golf club management point of view?

Golf club managers' benefits:

  • new models include the latest Visage GPS and touch screen technology, which come as standard.
  • The solution links with the club’s operating system to communicate up-to-the-minute fleet performance information and diagnostics, and provides clubhouse services on the course.

  • Likely to facilitate more sales in pro shops
  • Operators can now receive, in real time via smartphone, tablet and computer, enhanced information on battery status, service notifications and detailed diagnostics that can help mitigate and prevent maintenance issues, while also administering full car control, including speed restrictions, zonal markings and staging.

Golfers will enjoy:

  • to get hole-by-hole flyovers and GPS distances to pins and points of interest, as well as create electronic scorecards to keep a detailed track of their scores.

I predict there will be also a nice competition just like in case of street cars, who will be the golf GPS device/software provider of certain golf car manufacturers? Garmin? Bushnell? SkyCaddie?

This reminds my debate with Alistair Dunsmuir (editor of Golf Club Management) early this week. We talked about the need of full and free wi-fi coverage not just in club houses, but also on the golf course. Although to set up couple of wireless hotspots in our golf course can be costly, however in 2014 when mobiles and tablets are integral part of our daily life, golf clubs should adapt to the new reality.

I think we should provide "right time experience" for our golf club members and other golfers as well. We should check in certain context what are our customers expectations from us as golf club operators and select the right technology and solution. 

The full fleet will be in operation from July 1, 2014, and with the standard cost of hire for 18 holes only €30.