Tag: B2B tee time sales

Zest.Golf ChannelManager-scaled

In La Rioja, 4 golf clubs have partnered with Zest.Golf, using a proven best practice

By: 2023. 12. 07.

Last year, I reported to you regarding the Golf Passport by Cascais, which has partnered with Zest.Golf, a channel manager technology company. Zest.Golf's solution was also found to be compelling by Barcelona Golf Destination. It’s crucial for golf…

Ricardo Pascual CEO GolfSpain, Spain

Getting Spain ready for #golfpostcorona.

By: 2020. 07. 01.

During the CV19 pandemic,  we sat down (virtually) with some of the Spanish golf industry representatives and asked them a few questions about the state of the Spanish golf market, how they dealt with the situation, and the…

B2B tee time sales growth

How to easily increase your B2B tee time sales?

By: 2020. 06. 01.

The coronavirus crisis taught golf clubs to bravely use various technology solutions to give a proper answer in the current business environment. We can experience that these solutions (e.g. WhatsApp for internal & membership communication or even to…