Tag: private golf clubs


How big of a competition can the new Kelly Ranch Golf Club expect in Fort Worth?

By: 2023. 12. 18.

I was intrigued by the Kelly Ranch Golf Club development project's $100 million price tag. The project's scale and scope have piqued my interest, and I would like to learn more about it. Fortunately, I was able to…

private golf clubs

What is the financial impact of coronavirus on the American private golf clubs?

By: 2020. 05. 20.

In the last two months, I’ve been researching and analyzing how coronavirus affects public golf clubs around the globe. Robert A. Sereci (GM/COO, Medinah Country Club) shared with us his thoughts about what will coronavirus change in membership…

Get the view golf club membership marketing

What will COVID-19 change in membership marketing in private golf clubs?

By: Robert A. Sereci, GM/COO, Medinah Country Club 2020. 04. 28.

It is no secret that private clubs, like many businesses, are experiencing some significant degree of financial pain, and most likely will be for the foreseeable future. While there is no playbook for how clubs should conduct business…

Monopoly-coronavirus crisis

A strategic response to the coronavirus crisis

By: Steve Mona, Director of Governance & Leadership Club Benchmarking 2020. 04. 16.

Leaders of golf clubs throughout the world are all wrestling with the same question: "What should we do in response to the impact of COVID-19?" The answer is simple, but it calls for some contemplation: "Don't panic. Resist…