Golf turfgrass types that reduce maintenance costs

By: January 29, 2010

On last Sunday on my way to my Mom, I was reading Geoff Shackelford's Grounds For Golf book. This would not be so interesting to share with others, IF I do not read the following: "Most warm-season grasses should cost less to maintain firm, fast greens year round." The reason behind this is: In areas where they are adapted, warm-season turfgrass (e.g. Bermudagrass, Carpetgrass, St. Augustinegrass, Bahia etc.) require less water than cool-season turfgrass. This is due to their different leaf structure and method of carbon capture.

Warm grass 

However if anyone of us opens a golf business magazine, he will not find any article about the importance golf turfgrass selection. Aren't we interested in reducing maintenance costs at least by 25%? This should be a key golf course management issue. Other option of course is synthetic turfs. So far synthetic turfs were not perceived as a desired substitute.

Here are some cold turfgrass types that worth to consider:

Ryegrass – This is one of the most impact resistant grasses around, leading it to be used for athletic feilds, parks, and golf courses.

Bentgrass is most commonly used in sports fields and golf courses, especially in the southern regions (USA). However it is problematic in summer times due to salt toxicity.