How does the Ayla Golf Club save its deep and steep bunkers?

By: March 17, 2023

Sand replacement can be taxing on golf clubs. You get sands that are contaminated, and they have to replace them. Because of this, many golf clubs are considering reducing the number of bunkers on their golf courses. Are you among them?

Heavy rain showers and strong winds can cause damage to our bunkers. Capillary Concrete liners – for instance – can help you to mitigate issues from storms.

I know that Greg Norman likes to build deep and steep bunkers but from a golf experience perspective (playability), it would be more enjoyable if the entry and exit from the bunkers would be easy.

Let’s see how the Jordanian Ayla Golf Club is handling the challenges of bunkers.

Ayla Golf Club bunker under construction Capillary Bunker

Ayla Golf Club’s bunkers with Capillary Bunkers

The Ayla Golf Club has got an 18-hole championship golf course and a 9-hole golf academy is Ayla’s Signature Award Winning Golf course, designed by Greg Norman.

They have got have 14,000 square meters (150,000 square feet) of bunker surface. Probably the two biggest challenges are the brutal heat and rare heavy rain. As a result of it, the bunkers’ great look and condition are difficult to maintain.

The course manager Atilla Demisroy says

“Keeping the white silica bunker sand and the orange/brown desert sand separate is essential if bunker performance is to be maintained, and this requires a quality liner. We need separation to keep the integrity of our bunkers.”

The Ayala Golf Club selected Capillary Bunkers to solve their problem. The Capillary Bunker met two important criteria:

  • the ease of installation —->  they can install in-house + ready to use already after 24h;
  • durability.
Ayla Golf Club Capillary Bunker solution hotel