What breakthrough has Pure Seed achieved in paspalum turfgrass development?

By: June 14, 2024

Seashore paspalum is a native, low-growing, warm-season perennial grass that reaches approximately 20 inches in height. It is best known for its salt tolerance.

Seashore paspalum is widely recognized for its sustainable qualities and is consistently favored for utilization on sports fields and golf courses across a broad geographic range from Texas to the Carolinas.

Its notable density, strength, and rapid recovery render it an exceptionally popular turf choice for various sports, including golf.

Seashore paspalum requires moderate water, fertilizer, and frequent mowing to maintain a low cut. 

Did you know that paspalum turfgrass was introduced to the golf industry in the 1990s?

A Guardian survey found that 77% of climate scientists expect global warming to rise by at least 2.5C in 2024.

paspalum turfgrass pure-dynasty-with-ACCe-pure-seed-atlas-turf-international

I think I have sufficiently summarized the characteristics and benefits of paspalum turfgrass. Now, let’s see in what direction Pure Seed has developed this turf species further.

Pure Dynasty with ACCe

Pure Dynasty with ACCe is the latest release from Pure-Seed Testing’s award-winning breeding program, celebrating its 50th anniversary.

The new product, the first herbicide-resistant paspalum, uses ACCe technology developed by the University of Georgia (UGA).

Crystal Rose-Fricker, president of Pure Seed and Pure-Seed Testing, and her team conducted multi-year, multi-location research to incorporate UGA’s ACCe technology into the paspalum strains currently making up the successful Pure Dynasty seeded paspalum blend.

Pure Dynasty with ACCe is the result.

UGA professor Paul Raymer is credited with developing the paspalum ACCe technology. He says:

For fifteen or twenty years, I have had a goal to identify a strain of paspalum with herbicide resistance, as I felt this would be a great help in eliminating bermuda and other grasses in paspalum stands.

This is difficult – it is very hard to kill bermuda – and I have long believed this to be one of the greatest obstacles to the adoption of seashore paspalum.

I knew that mutations producing resistance to ACCase herbicides had been reported in several grass species, though not, until now, paspalum.

We analyzed billions of cells and eventually identified a mutation that achieved what we needed.”

Featuring all of the advanced characteristics of its namesake, Pure Dynasty with ACCe offers

  • exceptional salt, wear, and disease tolerance with a dark green color,
  • medium to fine texture,
  • tighter density, and
  • versatility in mowing heights for wall-to-wall applications.

However, the new variety improves tolerance to ACCe-inhibiting herbicides, including

  • sethoxydim,
  • fenoxaprop,
  • fluazifop-butyl, and
  • pinoxaden.

This allows for control of unwanted annual and perennial grasses such as bermudagrass, crabgrass, goosegrass, tropical signal grass, and more. 

Pure Dynasty with ACCe is non-genetically modified, using natural breeding practices, and is available exclusively through Atlas Turf International and Pure Seed