Is Russia viable for a golf business opportunity? – part 3

By: April 25, 2010

As I promised in my previous post, now Lyne Tumlinson, the former director of Career Services at Golf Course Superintendents Association of America (GCSAA) will share with us below what kind of golf business opportunities are in Russia.

More features of the Russian world view that affect potential for the golf industry:

  • About "rules". Russian culture is tradition and "high context", which can affect social benefits of golf. Here in US, golf is both a popular game/sport and and an important business networking tool. In Russia, relationship-building traditionally takes place in intimate settings and public networking is often only for the show. What social/economic role will the golf course take in Russia?

  • Everything in Russia is expensive these days and start-up expenses of golf course – building/maintenance equipment, golf turfgrass seed, plus need for professional golf course management to maintain and keep the golf course running – do not bode well for affordable play to attract still-developing middle class clientele.

So far, golf course development in Russia is for top member of new Russian society with reputation for elitism – showy consumption of luxury, with corresponding price tag. A proper golf business plan can overcome this for Russian middle class, only if start-up costs can be recouped.