How does Robert Jones Black’s Generation Next Project help?

By: May 27, 2021

Very smart and good recognition of Robert Jones Black (Great-Grandson of Bobby Jones; the Founder of the Generation Next Project) that for Generation Z (Born 1997-2003) is difficult to escape from the threat of physical or emotional abuse, as bullying has gone online via social media and followed them everywhere on their mobile devices.

The constant perceived threat of personal harm has become a defining characteristic for this generation.

Generation Next Project Robert Jones Black logo

The previous generation, the Millennials (Born 1981-1996) was lucky because they did not have to manage and solve the above-mentioned problems. They witnessed the rise of social media, mobile technology (e.g. smartphones), and the benefits of mobility. All these are natural and taken for granted for Generation Z.

As a member of Generation X, I feel like I grew up in a more relaxed way. My generation had much less stimulus from the outside world in the good and bad sense.

At the same time, Nielsen Sports warns us that Generation Z has high expectations for entertainment experiences and will necessarily like the same sports as their parents. Not only do their tastes in sports differ, but they also consume them differently than older generations.

Generation Next Project – Robert Jones Black

The Generation Next Project is a 501c3 funding and awareness movement. The Generation Next Project aims to bridge this disconnect by partnering with specific organizations providing tools and resources for social and emotional development through the lens of golf’s values and Bobby Jones’ legacy.

Generation Next Project seeks to leverage the sport of golf at the amateur, professional, brand, and property levels to rise to the challenges of proper youth development.

Generation Next Project Robert Jones Black

Among the organizations selected as partners of the Generation Next Project are:

  • AJGA Leadership Links—Imparts strong leadership qualities as it empowers its’ more than 7,500 members to embrace social responsibility by implementing charitable drives to help their communities.
  • Dream Tank— Empowers young people to create their own social entrepreneurial ventures and collaborate to solve global problems. Their youth ecosystem and programming incorporate frontier technology, a discovery learning curriculum, and a holistic focus on well-being.
  • Positivity Project— Focuses on bringing the hope and positivity our children need to feel ready to work together to impact their futures as an individual and a global citizen