Can PGA Pros take 100% control of their business with oneXp app?

By: March 15, 2022

The App Annie State of Mobile 2021 study found

  • Consumers migrated more of their physical needs onto mobile; spend hit new heights at $143 billion at 20% growth YoY.
  • Mobile took over mindshare at 3.5 trillion hours on Android phones annually. Mobile is the only channel with this reach and depth of engagement.
  • Daily spent hour per user: 4.8 hours – this is a 30% growth since 2019. The average American spends 3.1 hours a day watching TV.
  • 7 out of 10 minutes one mobile were spent on social, photo, and video apps.

I have previously highlighted that golf clubs and the golf industry are lagging far behind in mCommerce (vs for instance hotel industry) and are thus missing out on great sales and marketing opportunities. This applies to PGA Pro too!

For similar reasons, I recommend running and managing our golf tournaments via mobile applications like Golf Genius.

In 2017, I discovered the Fibodo mobile app for golf lesson booking and tee time booking. I have just discovered a new similar mobile app – oneXp – that covers much more of the PGA Pro business.

oneXp mobile application golf swing analysis

How can the oneXp mobile app help PGA Pro work?

Launched and available to coaches and clients from March 7, oneXp’s technology can be used in any sport, with the initial focus on the golf and tennis markets, with the site, also being made available to teams and academies.

Available to coaches for a fee of £49 per month, with their clients receiving the app free of charge.

Key features of the oneXp coaching app
  • Booking – The most functional and easy to use form on the coaching market, the oneXp booking-platform software allows the coach to control the diary and create offers and packages for clients. In addition, there is a voucher and discount function for coaches to offer different promotions at different times of the year.
  • Payment and accounting system – This allows the coach to receive all payments for lessons or pro shop purchases. oneXp offers two major global payment systems. Coaches can then use the accounting side of the system to create and send monthly reports direct to their accountant.
  • Video capture – As well as all the usual options to video, edit, voice over and split screen, the app allows two phones to sync into the app at the same time. They will add 3D to the platform.
  • Online lessons – Sessions can be booked through the app, simply at the touch of a button.
  • Invites – Coaches have the opportunity to set up as many groups as they need to interact with their clients.
  • Social media integration.
  • Reporting – A wide range of different options are available, helping PGA Pros to analyse their business in more detail and become more efficient. This will help the PGA Pros save time, increase interaction and make more money.
oneXp mobile application pro shop

oneXp mobile app – pros & cons

Actually, I am very happy with the oneXp mobile app. The pro-shop, F&B features are really big opportunities – a new revenue stream – for golf clubs. This is why I am missing them in most golf club mobile apps.

Golf clubs and PGA Pros must invest in a digital-first shopping experience that’s seamless, efficient, convenient, and personalized. The investment in digital customer experiences begins with payments.

Although the video capture feature is more useful than a WhatsApp or Facebook Chat video, I do not predict a heavy usage of this feature.

oneXp mobile application accounting