How Carnoustie Golf Links saved its bumblebees?

By: February 14, 2016

Carnoustie Golf Links is a real environment conscious golf club. 2 years ago, they became the 2nd Open Championship venue to be GEO Certified. Most recently, the golf club has been awarded a major national accolade for its work in protecting native bumblebees (there are around 24 species across the UK).

They received the prestigious Operation Pollinator Award at the annual Golf Environmental Awards held by STRI (Sports Turf Research Institute). The award was given in recognition of the work undertaken by Championship Course Head Greenkeeper, Craig Boath (see picture below) and his dedicated team. It is really nice that they held outreach events with local primary school children.

Operation Pollinator is a program initiated by Syngenta and supported by the Sports Turf Research Institute (STRI) to promote sustainable management of grassland and wildflower habitats for pollinating insects across golf courses and sports related turfgrass facilities.
