It seems like more and more events are moving online. The coming BIGGA online conference (10 November 2020) is not an exception.
For a long time, I thought that online conferences are killing one of the biggest benefits/advantages of live conferences: networking.
A recent International Data Corporation study found
“86% of participants reported equal or higher levels of engagements compared to in-person, largely due to networking opportunities becoming more personalized by attendee data.”
Another surprising finding is the increased social media engagement. We find easily the participants’ social media profiles after which we can continue the conversation and relationship.
Here are some other benefits of virtual/online conferences:
- Cost-effective;
- You can mix the 45-minute presentations with shorter 5-15 minute ones;
- Speakers can present their talks from the comfort of their own home. This gives them more flexibility.

BIGGA online conference program
Usually BIGGA’s 5 regions – Scotland and Northern Ireland, Northern, Central England, South West & South Wales, and South East – host their own gatherings for BIGGA members to meet up and hear talks from some of the most influential people in the industry.
Now this kind of meeting will go online. Even BIGGA’s popular Continue to Learn education program, usually held at BTME each January, will become an online event too.
5 speakers – program
- Seven things I’ve learned about turf around the world by Dr. Micah Woods, chief scientist, Asian Turfgrass Center
- Simple steps to encourage wildlife on the golf course by Dr. Marie Athorn, Business Conservation Advisor (R&A), RSPB
- From Lockdown to the Rose Ladies Series by Callum Wark, golf course manager, JCB Country Club
- The renovation of Loch Lomond by David Cole MG, director of golf course and estates, Loch Lomond Golf Club
- 2019 – Parkstone’s busiest season on and off the course by Grant Peters, course manager, Parkstone Golf Club