How does Toro’s IntelliDash platform simplify golf course operations?

By: February 8, 2023

Altimeter (a Prophet company) claimed in its 2021 State of Digital Transformation report that mobile solutions will be among the TOP 10 priorities for technology investments in 2021-2022. I am expecting this trend will continue in 2023 too.

Cloud applications also continue to be a top investment, as more software moves to SaaS platforms and companies continue to shift their data storage to large cloud providers such as Amazon, Microsoft and Google.”

Cloud solutions are gaining momentum because they can provide access to new and innovative technologies as well as drive efficiencies in their own operations and processes.

We want our golf club businesses to become data-driven. Hence, we should invest much more in real-time analytics, machine learning, and data science.

If for no other reason, then this is important in order to cut down our costs (e.g. irrigation, fertilizers), improve sustainability, and get to know exactly the needs of our golf club guests and members.

Modernization of your golf club’s IT should among your top priorities in 2023!!! This will enable you to respond to future digital disruptions.

IntelliDash platform from Toro - Decision Tree Thresholds

Toro Enhances New IntelliDash® Irrigation & Fleet Management Platform

I found Toro‘s IntelliDash irrigation and fleet management platform interesting from the above-mentioned point of view.

Toro’s promise is that greenkeepers will be able to

  • view real-time operational data, including agronomic conditions, labor, asset location, and equipment health.
  • use data to simplify course operations, identify inefficiencies, and better allocate resources.

IntelliDash is an essential component for courses that rely on a Toro maintenance equipment fleet and/or irrigation systems.

The all-in-one dashboard offers a bird’s-eye view of the course and fleet data so greenkeepers can make data-driven decisions with information from multiple sources, including

  • weather and radar streams and evapotranspiration forecasts.
  • Integrating weather data means greenkeepers can make real-time decisions about course maintenance without leaving the dashboard.
IntelliDash platform from Toro - Decision Tree

Toro launched this platform in July 2022. Now they added some new features:

  • Widget Lock/Unlock Button. Allows users the ability to customize the dashboard by moving what’s most important to them to the top of the screen.
  • Toro Irrigation National Support Network (NSN) Chat. A chat function offers quick access to Toro’s trusted NSN support team.
  • Mobile-Friendly Design. An improved mobile-friendly design allows users to have a seamless experience when connecting to IntelliDash via smartphone, tablet, or PC.
  • Decision Tree. Greenkeepers can opt-in to a Decision Tree function that operates in conjunction with Turf Guard soil sensors to help determine when to irrigate. Recommendations are dependent on user-defined thresholds.  
  • Extended Free-of-Charge Offer. IntelliDash was launched free of charge through the end of 2022, and Toro is extending that pricing offer through December 31, 2023. Users must have an existing Toro application that is integrated into IntelliDash, such as myTurf Pro or Lynx, to take advantage of this offer. Pricing information after this policy ends in 2023 will be provided at a later date.
IntelliDash platform from Toro - dashboard