Korean lesson to Tiger Woods or triumph of TaylorMade??

By: August 17, 2009

There was a time when American and British tennis players ruled the world championships and Wimbledon, but in recent years Czechs and Russians are in the headline of tennis news. Something similar might occur or expected to happen in our championships.

The recent victory of Y.E. Yong over the golf king Tiger Woods, came as a bolt from the blue. Woods simply underrated his Korean competitor (in 1996 he became a pro) who debuted in PGA only in 2004. This game was not simply a clash between the king and a rising star, but also a competition between two market leader golf club manufacturer: TaylorMade and Nike GolfTiger Woods played mainly with Nike Golf SQ Sumo. Yong played with TaylorMade (an Adidas company) Tour Staff Professional: Burner 3-wood (fairways), Rescue TP19 (hybrid), r7 TP (irons and wedges) and TP red LDP (balls). 

After the game I checked from technology point of view what a difference a golf club (and not a tea as Pickwick says – I am just kidding) can make in a game. From marketing communication aspect both sites are just the same, and characterized by one-way communication. Don't you care about my/our opinion?? The possibility to rate golf clubs and golf balls on a brand site can give very useful feedback to the manufacturer can't it?

However when I checked TaylorMade's innovation section it gave me a reasonable description about their innovation and how it helps me to play better. This is what I missed (or have not found) on Nike Golf's website. I am still lost which one to choose at my next purchase…