SEO lesson for Nickent Golf and others

By: January 28, 2010

I was reading Golf Business Development's summer edition where I found an article about Nickent Golf. At the end of the article I found URL of the brand: Immediately I typed the URL into my browser where I found the following:


I think here is an obvious SEO (search engine optimization) mistake, namely the page does not tell us what is the problem. After a while I found out in Google that they changed their website's URL to

From the picture below we see further SEO mistake: poor meta tag description. The meta tag description is displayed in the snippet and can influence us to click on a link or not. In this case it is not crucial since they finished their business last year, but a big lesson for others to take seriously SEO

If you type in the phrase Nickent Golf, you will get the following result in Google (see below): 1st place: (snippet: "This Account Has Been Suspended. Please contact the billing department…"), 2nd place: (Nickent Golf. Content on this page requires a newer version of Adobe Flash Player. Get Adobe Flash player.).
