Direct Golf goes to Tesco. Why?

By: July 3, 2014

Direct Golf recently announced that it will retail golf brands including Mizuno, Wilson, Bridgestone, Stuburt, John Letters, Progen, Golf Locker, Hotblade and Jaxx, alongside a huge range of products from other golf manufacturers on the Tesco direct website.

Golf apparel, footwear, bags, clubs, balls and accessories – the same range of categories available on the Direct Golf website – will all be available on Tesco direct, letting customers buy all their golf equipment in one place, whilst collecting Clubcard points.

When a customer places an order through Tesco direct the order will be fulfilled by Direct Golf who will ship the goods straight to the customer.

Direct Golf products will also be available for collection in-store through the Tesco ‘Click+Collect’ service. Customers will be able to choose from a range of delivery options to suit them.


I think it is a great leap forward for Tesco who had so far a very modest supply of golf equipment. Tesco direct looks like Golf Direct website's extension that provides additional reach and even more potential customers for Golf Direct. According to, visitors of spend almost 7 minutes/visit/day and in the same time frame they check 9 pages. This is really good.

Although we can some benefits of this cooperation, I would like share with you my concerns:

  • How profitable will be this cooperation with Tesco for Golf Direct? I am expecting either smaller margins either on Gold Direct's or suppliers' side.
  • How this cooperation will effect the sales on Golf Direct itself?
  • I have no information about the traffic of the Golf section of, but they might need to promote this change in offer to be successful.
  • Final question: Can I use my Direct Golf loyalty card even if I am shoping Golf Direct's products via