Cleveland Golf Wedge Analyzer powered by Swingbyte technology

By: March 16, 2015

Although I am happy to share information about the latest golf clubs of leading golf equipment manufacturers, it seems to me that there are no significant differences among the leading brands. So how do you want to gain more market share, sales and build brand? 

I think those are close to the good solution who are focusing on contextualized customer experience. Via customer experience development, improvement you will also build brand.

Probably TaylorMade and Ping were the first (in 2013) in the golf industry who thought about this by providing mobile application the R1 Tuning application and iPing. Mizuno's Shaft Optimizer and Swing DNA is more for local PGA professional than regular golfer as it is not a true wearable.

So let's ask ourselves how can we provide to golfers a desirable customer experience that will generate relationship and amply them!? What are those tools that drive attention and sales?

I think Cleveland is on the right track by introducing the new Cleveland Golf Wedge Analyzer fitting system powered by Swingbyte technology. Unlike Mizuno's Shaft Optimizer and Swing DNA solution, this is really wearable and portable. Meanwhile Epson presented in the latest PGA Show in Orlando their swing analyzer the M-Tracer that reminds me Swingbyte.

In 2013 I recommended them to find a well-known golf equipment manufacturer who can help them in distribution and sales, but most of all to gain trust and credibility. By cooperating with Cleveland Golf, Swingbyte made a great leap forward.



This how it works:

The Cleveland Golf Wedge Analyzer is a Cleveland Fitting Wedge with a lightweight (approximately 1 oz.) Swingbyte motion analysis sensor permanently affixed just below the grip. 

During the fitting process, the sensor transmits swing data via Bluetooth to a computer or iPad, which then generates a 3-D rendering of the swing and calculates the key swing metrics.  I assume you can connect the system with your smartphone as well.

The Wedge Analyzer App uses metrics like attack angle and shaft lean at impact, in conjunction with typical turf conditions, to recommend the optimum bounce and sole grind for any golfer.  

Swingbyte’s patented motion sensor captures and sends thousands of "snapshots" per second to the Wedge Analyzer App, where proprietary algorithms immediately translate motion data into useful swing information and 3D animation.

The Wedge Analyzer fitting system shows the golfer’s swing, which helps fitters to visually explain why they need the recommended bounce and sole grind.  It also includes a database of iron set pitching wedge lofts to help fitters recommend the proper wedge lofts to complement the golfer’s irons.