David Leadbetter shows new technique how to attract more golfers

By: March 13, 2015

Thanks to my visit at the PGA Show in Orlando, I had the chance to meet with the David Leadbetter Academy. The Academy's CMO Benedict Riches says David Leadbetter found a totally new instruction concept that can help us golfers to enjoy better golf and learn faster. Hopefully it will contribute to better golf club membership retention and new acquisition

Here is what Benedict Riches says:

There are a number of factors why golf in many markets is declining. The game can be very expensive, it requires special equipment, people have less time for leisure pursuits, and a greater variety of options to keep them entertained. When they do play they often find the game frustrating and difficult to master.

At David Leadbetter Golf we can’t greatly influence the first 3 factors but we are making a concerted effort to make the game easier for people to learn. There have been very few golfers who quit the game after a good round but plenty who give up disappointed and disgruntled.

We believe that through our network of Academies, David’s unique instructional methods, fitness and mental training, as well as a series of coaching products and services we can make improvements to golfers of all levels and ultimately their enjoyment of the game.

David Leadbetter in action

Over the last couple of years David has been working on a new approach to the golf swing that will make it simpler for golfers of all abilities to improve. Through scientific research and a great deal of testing David has developed the “A Swing”.

“A” stands for “Alternative” and offers golfers a different approach to swinging the club. Not only is the A Swing 20% more efficient than the traditional swing it also places less strain on the body and doesn’t require hours of practice. Through a series of simple drills that only require 7 minutes to complete, a golfer can transform the way they hit the ball in a short amount of time. 

Not every golfer will need the A Swing. If they are already well synchronized and hitting the ball consistently well, there may be little they need to change. However, if a golfer is struggling with their game and keeps reverting back to bad habits then the A Swing could be what they need. 

On Sunday you will be able to read the 2nd part of this post.