How will Toptracer Coach take golf instruction to the next level?

By: May 23, 2023

I dare to say, “thanks” to COVID digital coaching skyrocketed in several sports. Just think about the popularity of Tonal and Peloton in the fitness space.

There have already been attempts to support the work of PGA professionals with the help of mobile applications (e.g. Fibodo, oneXp).

In 2020, I recommended using messaging applications (e.g. Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp) to the members of the PGA of Canada to be able to continue their work.

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Toptracer Coach – a web-based platform

Until now, I knew that Toptracer can be used not only for having fun but also for training. So I could watch my performance or my PGA Pro on the display.

Toptracer has now further developed its coaching function with the introduction of the Toptracer Coach web-based platform. What can it offer more than the current one?

Toptracer Coach allows PGA Professionals to create assignments, access data from Toptracer Range sessions, and optimize their coaching sessions by providing objective instruction to their students.

As an official range technology partner of the PGA of America, Toptracer consulted with certified PGA Professionals throughout the development of its coaching platform.

As a result of this collaboration, Toptracer Coach addresses two of the biggest pain points in coaching:

  • creating benchmark assessments that are easy for players to complete and
  • assigning practice sessions in between lessons for accountability.

The data collection and management tool relies on the expertise of coaches to create unique lesson plans tailored to each student.

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Both coaches and students will have access to objective assessments of their current skill level, monitor their progress in real-time, and follow a dedicated lesson plan to practice more effectively.

Industry leaders also believe Toptracer Coach will help instructors grow and scale their businesses. Don Rea, VP of PGA of America and owner of Augusta Ranch Golf Club, a public golf course in Mesa, Arizona, said:

“Toptracer Range provides a funnel for new golfers and there’s an opportunity for PGA Professionals to create their own funnels using Toptracer Coach.

Instructors can review practice sessions remotely and keep players accountable through engaging training assignments. Rather than selling time, the platform helps PGA Professionals sell results.”

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Don Meadows, Director of Golf at Quail Valley Golf Club, a private club in Vero Beach, Florida, says Toptracer Coach will also provide a deeper connection with his club’s members:

Toptracer Coach gives our instructors greater visibility into members’ practice sessions than ever before. Those insights, paired with all the incredible data points, and the experience of our teaching staff will forge a more meaningful connection between our coaches and members.”

Alongside the introduction of Toptracer Coach, Toptracer launched two assessment modes:

  • Toptracer12 and
  • Toptracer30.

The new game modes will be valuable tools for PGA Professionals using Toptracer Coach, providing a snapshot assessment of their students’ golf game in real-time, without consuming large portions of their coaching sessions.

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Toptracer Coach is available to both coaches and students who play and teach at Toptracer Range mobile facilities, the brand’s uncovered grass tee experience.

It will be available to all Toptracer Range users on the Monitor product in the fall of 2023.

This article is brought to you by Toptracer / Toptracer Coach.