Do golfers have unique skin?

By: January 11, 2013

Time-to-time I come across with cosmetics that their manufacturers claim it is so bio or something like that. Yes, it is very trendy to claim that our product is bio or healthy. My assumption people's skin can be different for various reasons. I do not want to enter to this issue. What I am quite sure that we will not find explanation that golfers would have different type of skin that justifies to create special suncare especially for them. 

Then here comes a company from New Zeland, called Golfersskin Sunscreen. As I went through the product description, I found the only special ingridient in Golfersskin is mānuka honey. Mānuka honey has in vitro antibacterial properties, but there is not conclusive evidence of benefit in medical use. It has been classified as a Therapeutic Good in Australia, and has received approval from the US Food and Drug Administration in 2007. In ancient times people used mānuka honey for topical treatment of wounds.

If you would really want to use something almost natural/bio sunscreen cosmetics, then go for Ahava Suncare products that includes Dead Sea minerals.