Customer experience innovations at Bluegreen

By: Manuel Biota - CEO, Bluegreen November 12, 2018

Why customer experience is essential today? Customer experience development is essential for the understanding, on our core business, of membership and green fee customers’ level of satisfaction, their expectations.

Moreover, we believe that our industry needs to attract and retain a wider range of customer, and especially 3 of them:

  1. The « passive »golfers who missed time to practice or play, and so unable to practice regularly.
  2. Become a better « family » destination with activities that could fit more to all members of the family, player or non-player
  3. And attract 98% of the French population …all non-golfers with new activities, reinforced by digital tools.

Customer experience measurement at Bluegreen

Then, starting in 2017 by measuring customer experience was the finest idea to understand the strengths and weaknesses of our golf course management.

Being customer oriented provides us the essential information about golfers’ perceptions of our installations and services.

We decided then to get an outsourcing survey monitor, a net promoter score tool (NPS), to get the most objective approach, and uniformity. By this way, we are able to compare golf courses with the same typology.

By developing an active survey of 30 questions, sent to members and green fees players who accept to be questioned we improve significantly our customer behavior knowledge.

Every day, on the 48 Bluegreen golf courses, a  panel of golfers receive an email to evaluate our installation but also their experience on our golf courses

So a wide range of customers, occasional and regular are answering (20%) which is a high rate of return.

When the rate is under 7 (on a scale from 1 to 9), our golf managers must contact the customer to understand their unsatisfaction.

Implemented in May 2017, that measurement helps us to get a huge panel of the customer satisfaction survey, on a weekly basis, about 40 items, from the parking lot to the green.

This was the basics before developing our innovation and strategic program.

Bluegreen eGull Pay customer experience

Digital experience at Bluegreen

By getting this essential feedback on your core business, you can then focus on new customer experience development, and match the customer experience associated with the digital experience.

For golf clubs, such measurement ensures to remain aware of customers’ expectations, and, for our staff, remain involved and totally customer oriented. By that kind of permanent survey, everybody, from welcome the desk to greenkeeping & directors are concerned by the day to day requirements for getting the entire satisfaction of our customers.

This program is more than a loyalty program: it ensures to consumers that we are focused on customers satisfaction.

With more than one year of measurement on the basics,  that allows us, as we did recently, to get their opinion and suggestions about our new concepts.

Any individual sports (running, cycling…) developed, during the last 10 years, a digital experience associated with their sport.

Those sports developed digital applications during the last 10 years increased or maintain their followers,

Be innovative and getting a real digital ambition to help us to reinforce attractivity.

All experience with our mobile applications reinforces attractivity and frequency of practicing. By measuring performance, sharing experiences or just… having fun!

Bluegreen mobile solution - customer experience

Our concern in 2017 was to gather and choose activities with apps or portal to create, for the first time,  a real customer & digital experience based on each activity displayed on our golf courses.

Once again, by starting from our core business, members and green fees players, with Fun Golf on Apple Watch app and online booking with Book & golf.

Then, be able to offer a real customer experience around our new activities and concept.

eGull mobile payment application experience for the « pay-as-you-play » concept, and many services that can offer the App.

Bluegreen customer experience innovations in 2018

For the Stadium concept, the Stadium performance mobile application tracks your performance improvement across 200 exercises to focus on your memory, agility, speed, and sharpness.

Perfect Line and its Toptracer technology provide an app which can identify you in 2 sec on the practice range with a flash code, getting  & memorize your data, performances and also competing for challenges.

Bluegreen Toptracer in reality

Born for golf Tour by Raphael Jacquelin and its kids’ unique concept of multi- experience of playing golf in pro conditions, but also offering The Stadium experience and a putting challenge, with a ranking available on a web portal.

By getting an omnichannel strategy, you offer a unique digital experience to your customers, you increase the frequency in your golf course, reinforce the attractiveness for « sleeping » golfers who found now a time-adapted activity with data that retain them.

Bluegreen Born for golf tour

And, last but not least, you give the opportunity for golfers, with many arguments,  to share with non-golfers the funniest and finest values of our sport:

  1. share a moment,
  2. be able to discuss, challenge ourselves and fix the same target: the flag!

The Stadium Concept with kids