How should Macdonald Hotels’ loyalty program work?

By: September 7, 2015

Macdonald Hotels & Resorts seems to understand the importance of customer retention. They want to reward golf players across the UK with the launch of the group’s first ever pay and play reward programme, Loyal-Tee.

Loyal-Tee loyalty card will enable golfers to access the best available rates at it world-renowned golf courses, discounted and free rounds of golf + additional golf buggy hire and the hotels’ food and beverage. Players will receive increased benefits the more they play which includes special promotions, exclusive offers and free rounds of golf that can be redeemed across all Macdonald Hotels & Resort golf locations.

Is it beneficial to throw on customers benefits without any structure and system??



At the same time I miss couple of features that would enable Macdonald Hotels & Resorts to maximize their loyalty program:

  • possibility of collecting reward points –> collecting reward points should be convenient and easy (show golfers how they can collect more-and-more reward points!);
  • tier system: having different loyalty level categories (e.g. “elite” level, “superior”, “starter”) with additional benefits;
  • avoid to have hidden costs;
  • involve golf club members’ preferred golf equipment manufacturer(s) and develop a join initiative as part of the loyalty program.
  • develop non-monetary programs around golfers’ needs: for instance, help them sell their used golf clubs via or

After a while Macdonald Hotels & Resorts should ask themselves about Loyal-Tee the followings:

  • Did the program improve customer retention rate?
  • Did the program improve negative churn?
  • Did the program improve Net Promoter Score (NPS)?