How does tee time marketplace work in golf tourism?

By: June 9, 2020

Golf club managers have already been thinking and trying a lot about how to sell more tee time and increase the revenue from it. Just think, for instance, of dynamic pricing or even yield management.

Some of them were ready to utilize third party tee time vendors (e.g. GolfNow,, or Groupon, Group Golfer, or iDealGolf just to boost tee time and golf club occupancy.

These solutions caused more financial problems than a cure for the core business challenge.

This business challenge grew further as a result of the coronavirus crisis. Needless to say, that we cannot blame everything for the coronavirus crisis.

Customer experience design-tee time marketplace

Local and international tee time sales is not an exception. At the same time, the demand for service personalization and flexibility is growing.

At every phase of the customer purchase journey technology is making an impact for both buyer and seller. Golfers are constantly seeking personalized, authentic, and appealing channels too.

Consumers want brands to make their information, product, or service as accessible as possible in a short time frame to compete with other demands.’s Travel Predictions 2020 study found 46% of travelers will use a mobile app that makes it fast and easy to book activities (e.g. golf) in real-time while traveling.

Challenges in tee time sales in 2020

It is not hard to recognize that the sales potential and capabilities of classic tee time sales methods and sales channels are extremely limited. Even if you create 12 time zones in a week. You will not be able to reach most of your potential customers.

We should not forget that a large number of unsold tee times are part of the golf course inventory as well.  

The control of green fee prices and tee time inventory control should not be neglected as well. Today golf clubs are striving to be more autonomous and be more in control of their product: tee times & green fees.

Greenfee365 tee time marketplace

Tee time marketplace – the business model

The marketplace business model is one of the most important travel industry trends in the last couple of years.

One of the reasons for the popularity of marketplaces is that they offer convenience for travelers since all options can be found in one place. Just think of the popularity of Airbnb,, Expedia, etc.

An online tee-time marketplace can be described as a medium or a connecting link between providers (aka golf clubs and resorts) and golfers.

It connects golf clubs and resorts (local and international) to golf travelers by allowing the former to sign up and display their offerings. This is true regarding Greenfee365 as well.

customer journey mapping tee time marketplace

Marketplace buyers are usually in the consideration and intent stage of the customer buying cycle. They are cashed up and want to spend and sometimes even impulsively.

It is expectable that tee time marketplaces will change the business models and relationships between suppliers and golf travelers.

One of the reasons why tee marketplaces’ importance and role will gain momentum is the real-time tee time booking opportunity. Such a positive experience with your golf resort or club at the beginning of your guests’ customer journey will contribute significantly to their overall customer experience. To be quick, easy, and effortless are indispensable to succeed in the current business environment. It will also help you to achieve loyalty.

It is advisable to mix the classic tee time sales channel with tee time marketplaces.

Club managers frequently mix up channel manager platforms with marketplaces. The tee time channel manager platforms serve ONLY B2B customers (e.g. DMCs, travel agency, golf societies, etc.) while tee time marketplaces (e.g. Greenfee365) are only for B2C customers (=golfers).

It is wise to realize quickly that golf club businesses are turning also into digital businesses like other businesses and segments in the hospitality industry.

tee time marketplace greenfee365

Tee time marketplace: Greenfee365

Greenfee365, is 100% about selling and reaching the modern golfer as easy as possible, getting to know your customers and players, and controlling your product on the market but maximizing the sales.

At Greenfee365 you are in total control of your product. You decide whether you want to sell some or all of your tee time through Greenee365’s platform. The price is up to you. Their commission on your generated sales is your only investment.

This article is brought to you by Greenfee365.