Golf Tourism England boosts inbound golf tourism

By: May 5, 2015

Finally, British golf clubs start to understand why it is beneficial to cooperate with other golf clubs in their region. 

Golf Tourism England strategy to foster local cooperation between golf clubs and paying more attention to inbound golf tourism has led to the successful creation of ‘Clusters’ across the country, such as the Pennines Golf Trail, Suffolk Coastal Golf, The Dorset Heathland Tour and Southern Counties Heathland Tour (for a full listing of clusters/tours created by Golf Tourism England).


Combined with building links with local accommodation providers, this has allowed golf clubs which have often operated in isolation, to draw on the collective strength of what each region has to offer the travelling golfer, thus making the proposition of visiting a more attractive one.

Providing the most attractive proposition for international and local golfers, David Joy (Chief Executive, England Golf) also explained, is one of the most effective ways for clubs to generate new revenue streams through increased inbound tourism.

Chief Executive and founder (Golf Tourism England), Andrew Cooke, added: “We are now seeing clubs begin to lay the foundations for growth in golf tourism in England for the next 5-10 years."

These British golf clubs should not neglect what people are saying about them in social media. They should utilize social media management tools (e.g. Avaya, Lithium Technologies) to detect where people are talking about their golf clubs and answer/participate proactively in such discussions. This way many misconception could be solved and turn into business opportunity.

Personally we pay more attention to in our days to regular people's opinion than to travel agents' or magazines' recommendations.