891 entries: member

Golf courses’ media mix and social media

By: 2009. 10. 25.

This week I participated in an interesting debate on LinkedIn.com about social media's role in golf courses' media mix. Some people said that it is a conservative industry, others that golf courses' marketing managers are lazy. While working…

Golf loyalty card programs – how it works

By: 2009. 10. 19.

Slowly golf season is getting to the end for 2009. It is time to plan our new year's strategy. In my previous post I wrote about co-branded golf cards as a possible path to generate repeated purchase, increase…

A friend thought you might be interested in this article

By: 2009. 10. 08.

GOLF.COM A friend thought you would be interested in this article from GOLF.com: 5 Easy Pieces https://www.golf.com/golf/equipment/article/0,28136,1926676,00.html?cid=staf-email-1926676 Comments: According to Snell, the Penta TP provides soft feel off the putter high spin rates off the 9 iron and…

Golf Equipment Industry in social media (part 3)

By: 2009. 09. 20.

You probably asking me, after reading golf equipment industry in social media (part 2) why do I emphasize the importance/role of social media in golf product communication and how it will gear up sales. Starting point is 72%…

Golf club managers are earning really bad

By: 2009. 09. 11.

When the economic climate is not in favor of golf courses, golf club managers' job descriptions are widening with new skills and duties. In general, the minimum requirements are bachelor's degree, 5+ years experience managing a full service…

Do we read golf clubs’ direct mails?

By: 2009. 09. 02.

When I am asking time to time, golf course marketing managers about what kind of communication channels do you use to reach golf club members or prospects, the answer is electronic direct mails (eDM), electronic newsletters. Few days…

Golf Equipment Industry in social media (part 2)

By: 2009. 08. 31.

As last I wrote, I am trying to discover how golf equipment industry are performing in social media particularly in Facebook, Twitter and blogs. In my study I checked the following brands: Ben Hogan, Benross, Callaway, Cleveland, Cobra,…

Golf Equipment Industry in social media

By: 2009. 08. 28.

Recently I found Burson-Marsteller's study how Fortune 100 companies are using social media. Unfortunately non of the major golf equipment producers are on this list. However golf equipment manufacturers should pay attention to this new phenomenon. This founding…

Golf once again Olympic Game after 105 years?

By: 2009. 08. 25.

In last couple of weeks many rumors appeared in the press both online and offline about the possibility to include golf in the Olympic Games. With G-d help it will be an Olympic game in 2016 if the…

Can we maintain the current green fee pricing policy?

By: 2009. 08. 23.

Before I went to volunteer on the 28th European Senior Golf Championship (by ESGA; 19-22 August 2009.) as a LiveScore counter, I launched a forum topic on LinkedIn.com about  green fee pricing policy. I received some very interesting…

How can a golf club contribute to a local community?

By: 2009. 08. 16.

As my reader Breki, wrote me that golf courses are also feeling the disadvantages of the recession, but it has another aspect as well. In the current economic situation when we are reconsider how we would like to…