Tag: McKinsey

Sweetspot main target groups for indoor golf

How to make indoor golf profitable with Sweetspot?

By: 2023. 05. 19.

The National Golf Foundation’s latest annual state-of-industry Graffis Report had a very interesting finding. Namely, while on-course participation in golf increased by 2% from 2021 to 2022, off-course participation in the game rose by 13% in that same…

RepSpark Community_filtered for GOLF-resized

How joining RepSpark can help your pro-shop earn more?

By: 2022. 07. 07.

Insider Intelligence found in 2022, worldwide retail e-commerce sales will exceed $5 trillion for the first time, accounting for more than a fifth of overall retail sales. In 2022, worldwide retail sales are poised to grow 5% year-over-year…

BIGGA CEO Jim Croxton Continue to Learn at BTME in March 1 greenkeepers

What do greenkeepers expect from their employers in golf clubs?

By: 2022. 04. 05.

I think that’s a very important recognition of what Jim Croxton said at 2022 BTME. Namely: "....with golf participation and membership booming, the time has come for the leading bodies in the game to make a priority of…

American Golf outlet in the UK

What kind of in-store experience would you expect from American Golf?

By: 2021. 03. 19.

The growth of online golf retailing is forcing pro-shops and brick-and-mortar golf retailers to reassess the true value and role of their stores. I believe experience remains essential to the future of the store – but it needs…

PING Europe Lisa Lovatt general manager

Is PING Europe’s new female leader good for profits?

By: 2020. 11. 27.

I was very happy to hear that PING Europe has got a female general manager. To understand the significance of this appointment and promotion, we should have a look at these stats: Today, 44% of companies have three…

Golf business prospects in China

By: 2013. 06. 10.

Back in February this year I wrote about the prediction of HSBC on the future of golf. In that post I wrote about a shift toward Asia. As reading McKinsey's latest report on China, I see a great…