149 entries: "Callaway Golf"

The last Wilson Staff D100 iron sets are running out

By: 2013. 06. 13.

As it was expected many golf equipment manufacturers want to utilize the upcoming US Open Championship at Merion Golf Club. Wilson Staff is not an exception to this. I can understand them. Their offer is pretty classic/old school:…

Titleist Pro V1 is exceeding expectations

By: 2012. 10. 19.

While we still do not have fresh statistics about golf participation around the world in 2012, it is hard to expect growth. In 2011, Europe's golf market entered a downturn. In 2011 46,000 golfers left the game. This…

Innovative golf course membership pricing

By: 2012. 10. 15.

Unfortunately this year Goowood golf club fell out from the TOP100 list of Golf Monthly. However they have an interesting golf club membership pricing model. Two years ago I wrote that we should find out a new golf club membership pricing…

How to pimp up your Cleveland wedge?

By: 2012. 10. 01.

Golf club customization reached a new level as we could see from the example of Callaway Golf. Now I found Cleveland Golf's golf club customization solution. It is clear that this solution gives you more option to pimp…

Golf club grip that knows your hand

By: 2012. 09. 24.

Last week I mentioned Callaway Golf's udesign system that helps you to get the best Callaway golf clubs. It seems to me that the leading golf equipment manufacturers grasping the need of customized products. I still miss the…

Is there crowdsourcing in the golf club industry?

By: 2012. 09. 17.

Cooperating with customers (in our case golfers, golf courses etc.) in the past only ment, that they participated in the development and customization (custom golf club fitting) of the product, service. It seems to me that the crowdsourcing idea…

Nike Golf clubs with tracking sensors

By: 2012. 09. 12.

Nike long time ago came out with a running app that maps our running, how we are performing. Now Nike Golf made a bold and clever step and introduced recently a golf swing analyzer. Nike Golf club heads will have…

Hire golf club for lower costs

By: 2012. 09. 06.

As I am planning my holiday in Barcelona, I am wondering shall I take my golf clubs with me or leave them at home. Golf club rental must be a good business since more and more companies are…

Are you Pinterested in golf??

By: 2012. 08. 30.

There is no day when we hear about a new social media platform is emerging. Intentionally I check them how we could use it in the golf industry (golf courses, golf HR, golf architecture, golf apparels etc.). This…