Author: Miklos Breitner

Do golfers have unique skin?

By: 2013. 01. 11.

Time-to-time I come across with cosmetics that their manufacturers claim it is so bio or something like that. Yes, it is very trendy to claim that our product is bio or healthy. My assumption people's skin can be…

Do you believe in low compression golf balls?

By: 2013. 01. 02.

I am always skeptical when I read about "product of the year" or about any similar titles. It is also true regarding golf balls (check out my previous post about On the website of I came across…

How to crowdfund a golf course?

By: 2012. 12. 27.

It is very likely as we are close to the end of 2012 that this year was the year of crowdfunding. For those who are not familiar with the concept of crowdfunding: it is a collective effort of individuals…

Changes in De Vere Group’s sponsorship strategy

By: 2012. 12. 20.

Recently I heard that Katherine Grainger (she was selected as one of the 5 athlete ambassadors for promoting the key messages of Team GB - the 2012 Olympic Team; 6 times world champion) and Gavin Hastings are partnering…

What is the future of Padraig Harrington?

By: 2012. 12. 17.

In the last couple of months we are excited about Rory McIlroy's sponsorship deal whether he will play with Nike Golf or with something else. Little bit less interesting and more obvious is Padraig Harrington's future with Wilson…

Are we safe on golf courses?

By: 2012. 12. 17.

Two years ago I had already written about golf insurance. Since then we have not changed a lot. Vandalism, thefts are still on the top of the list of most typical claims. Many golf course owner believe that…

When M&M meets with golf

By: 2012. 12. 14.

Probably this surprise fits to a younger generation than my. However, I was really happy to receive this gift from my girlfriend for 2 reasons: I love golf; I love M&M Find some more similar M&M gifts here:…

Abu Dhabi’s golf tourism success

By: 2012. 12. 10.

In this year we have seen three dominant trends in the global luxury goods market: globalization, consolidation and diversification. Luxury goods have also become more affordable to a wider range of consumers than ever before, as personal incomes rise in…

The end of belly putters

By: 2012. 11. 29.

I waited so long for this decision of USGA and R&A! Now it is official: we cannot use belly putters: "14-1b Anchoring the ClubIn making a stroke, the player must not anchor the club, either “directly” or by…

Bridgestone makes Nike golf balls?

By: 2012. 11. 13.

In recent weeks I came across with an interesting debate on Rory McIlroy's possible contract with Nike Golf. Pros and cons are flying from one side to another. When suddenly somebody said basically Bridgestone is now a DBA…

Who will be the European Tour players in 2013?

By: 2012. 11. 07.

As we are coming closer to the real winter, I look with envy on our Spaniard friends who can always find a golf course in their country where they can play without jackets and enjoy the sun.  I…

2013 Abu Dhabi HSBC Golf Championship

By: 2012. 10. 31.

Probably many of us are thinking in these days about to extend our membership at our golf course. I am little bit puzzled because I do not know a golf course that is worth to join. If you can…

How much Nike Golf needs Rory McIlroy?

By: 2012. 10. 29.

In recent weeks there is an ongoing rumour about 23-year-old Irishman Rory McIlroy, who is on the verge of signing a 10-year deal with Nike, worth  $250 million. Nice sum isn't it? Well, not that much if we remember,…

When I found Jack Nicklaus in Barcelona

By: 2012. 10. 27.

I have just came back from Barcelona. This is really a lovely city. Around the city there are 10 golf courses. If you are lack of time + want to see as much as possible of the famous…

Titleist Pro V1 is exceeding expectations

By: 2012. 10. 19.

While we still do not have fresh statistics about golf participation around the world in 2012, it is hard to expect growth. In 2011, Europe's golf market entered a downturn. In 2011 46,000 golfers left the game. This…

Golf mobile applications as a source of revenue – part 2

By: Anthony Douglas 2012. 10. 15.

Last week my guest writer Anthony Douglas from Hole19 Golf started to talk about golf mobile applications and in general about golf mobile application market. We believe there are lots of opportunities in this area to exploit for our business goals.…

Innovative golf course membership pricing

By: 2012. 10. 15.

Unfortunately this year Goowood golf club fell out from the TOP100 list of Golf Monthly. However they have an interesting golf club membership pricing model. Two years ago I wrote that we should find out a new golf club membership pricing…

New tool for golf sales

By: 2012. 10. 12.

There is an ongoing gossip since the beginning of June that Facebook is planning to launch next to the popular LIKE and Subscribe buttons a new one called WANT. This is probably will look like this: Why it…

Golf mobile applications as a source of revenue

By: Anthony Douglas 2012. 10. 08.

10 days ago I promised that the founder of Hole19 Golf GPS mobile application, Anthony Douglas will share with us, his thoughts about the golf mobile application industry, and in general about the mobile usage trends. Due to the complexity…

Where is a true golf social networking site?

By: 2012. 10. 07.

As we all know there is a social network for every audience. Golf is not an exeption. For this reason I made a little research to find out if there is any golf social networking site and what…