151 entries: pace of play

How would you solve turfgrass pest problems?

By: 2013. 05. 07.

As I wrote in my previous post, average American mobile user is spending cca. 2 hours 38 minutes on his mobile and tablet on daily basis. Americans are spending twice as much time today with desktop media as they do with mobile.…

Hole in one in Malaysia

By: 2013. 02. 11.

When we read in the Golf's 2020 Vision (by HSBC) report about the rise and importance of Chinese and Indian golf market, we should not neglect such golf markets like the Malaysian one. The Malaysian golf market's value in…

Troon Golf goes mobile

By: 2013. 01. 30.

One of the greatest events in 2012 was when smartphones and tablets took over PCs. The battle between mobile operation systems (Android vs iOS) or Samsung vs Apple is little bit less important. IHS iSuppli Research says that…

Where is a true golf social networking site?

By: 2012. 10. 07.

As we all know there is a social network for every audience. Golf is not an exeption. For this reason I made a little research to find out if there is any golf social networking site and what…

Golf rocks tennis’ TV audience in US

By: 2011. 06. 13.

I was surprised to read in the latest edition of The Economist (June 11th 2011) that in US people prefer to watch golf over tennis. I started to check worldwide ranking of US tennis players where I had…

Golf participation in Europe 2010

By: 2010. 11. 25.

Those who are familiar with the golf industry they know that KPMG prepares from year to year a survey about golf course development and golf participation trends. 2010 is not an exception. ;) Since the last decade of…

Ireland’s stumbling golf tourism marketing – part 1

By: 2010. 07. 31.

According to United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) the expected rebound of international tourism (arrivals, receipts, expenditure) is measurable. This recovery started according to UNWTO in Q4 of 2009. However this positive change will be seen mainly in…

Is Russia viable for a golf business opportunity? – part 3

By: 2010. 04. 25.

As I promised in my previous post, now Lyne Tumlinson, the former director of Career Services at

Is Russia viable for a golf business opportunity? – part 2

By: 2010. 04. 15.

As I promised earlier, Lyne Tumlinson, the former director of Career Services at

LCD loaded golf bags for the sake of brand awareness

By: 2009. 09. 23.

As regular ad spaces are losing relevancy and efficiency, advertisers are looking for something unusual and sometimes ambient media solutions. This how LCD loaded golf bag. Well nice idea, BUT in media planning what really matters is the…

PGA golfers on Twitter

By: 2009. 09. 06.

It is very likely that PGA golf players are also discovering the social media to boost their popularity and indirectly their sponsors, the golf equipment manufacturers. Today I found an interesting website (https://twitter-athletes.com)that collects Twitter accounts of sportsmen…