2253 entries: HR

Virtual golf course or an added value service?

By: 2010. 02. 13.

Thursday I had a great day. I got involved in an interesting initiative of Business Golf International. As companies and not just golf courses are highly motivated to come up with ideas, solutions that will motivate potential customers…

Environment awareness in golf course management

By: 2010. 02. 13.

Do we remember how disappointing was Kyoto and than Copenhagen climate conference? Especially when Obama posed as the world's savior....uhhhhhhhhhhhhh Now I think I found something real serious environment protecting initiative. Because I have doubt about Golf Environment…

PGA.com’s weak attempt in social media

By: 2010. 01. 31.

Recently I came across with PGA.com's Facebook brand page. While I analyzed this brand page, I was thinking about the goals and obejctives of it. What I know from my work  that companies are launching brand pages for…

Golf turfgrass types that reduce maintenance costs

By: 2010. 01. 29.

On last Sunday on my way to my Mom, I was reading Geoff Shackelford's Grounds For Golf book. This would not be so interesting to share with others, IF I do not read the following: "Most warm-season grasses…

SEO lesson for Nickent Golf and others

By: 2010. 01. 28.

I was reading Golf Business Development's summer edition where I found an article about Nickent Golf. At the end of the article I found URL of the brand: www.nickentgolf.com. Immediately I typed the URL into my browser where…

Who plays golf in Russia?

By: 2010. 01. 21.

During the communist era there was no golf life in Russia and in the Soviet Union. The first 18-hole golf course was built in 1994 (LeMeridien Moscow Country Club). In 2009 over a billion of USD was pumped…

Accenture without Tiger Woods

By: 2010. 01. 15.

The Tiger Woods saga entered to a new chapter. Accenture has just launched its first print ad (by Y&R) without Tiger Woods in WSJ : In Bali I met couple of very talented (trained) elephants (Java elephants are…

Ryder Cup results on your mobile

By: 2010. 01. 10.

I am getting more excited as the next Ryder Cup is getting closer (1st - 3rd October 2010) and this time I am really because it will held in Wales in Celtic Manor Resort. I hope my boss…

How to save money on golf equipment buying?

By: 2009. 12. 31.

In one of my previous post I wrote about how much worth to pay for a golf club and other golf equipments, like golf balls, putters, wedges, golf clothing, pull carts, golf bags etc.  I cannot stress enough…

Nike Golf insists on Tiger Woods

By: 2009. 12. 19.

Nike Golf is one of those very few sponsors of Tiger Woods who did not change their sponsorship cooperation with the golf player. The question rises what makes Nike Golf so loyal to Tiger Woods? Is it still…

Words you should not use on your website

By: 2009. 12. 14.

Recently I a came a cross with a golf equipment company, Asbri. As it was not clear for me for first sight what are they exactly (are they producing promotional materials, gadgets or what?) offering, therefore I entered…

Tiger Woods annual 100 million USD sponsorship income in danger

By: 2009. 12. 12.

As Tiger Woods' private life gets more publicity, companies are reevaluating their cooperation with the golf player. A successful sportsman is always a good tool for companies to communicate their values by sponsoring sportsmen. Tiger Woods is also…

US golf courses’ revenues are sharply falling in 2009

By: 2009. 12. 10.

As it was expected golf courses' revenues declined significantly not just because of the economic climate, but also the stubborn attitude of golf course owners and managers. These golf course managers should understand that as a result of…

UAE’s golf tourism with hopes

By: 2009. 12. 08.

In last couple of weeks everybody was worried about what is going on in Dubai (UAE) since it is well connected to the world business life as the "crown jewel" of the Middle East. As we know economic…

Do we know how to choose the right golf ball?

By: 2009. 12. 07.

Who would think that we should also adjust golf balls to ourselves? GolfBallSelector.com came out with a new service called The Right Ball. They say that golf ball selection depends on 2 factors your playing style and skill…

Affiliate with me and gain new golf club members

By: 2009. 11. 18.

By reading Commission Junction's web site, it came to my mind that affiliate marketing could be implemented in the golf industry as well.  For those who are not familiar with this marketing tool, here is a brief explanation:Affiliate…

How much worth to pay for a golf club?

By: 2009. 11. 10.

Slowly but for sure I am arriving to that stage in my golf learning that I will have to select my golf equipment, golf clubs, golf balls and golf bag. It would not be a big issue if…

An ancient golf promotion website

By: 2009. 10. 29.

Today I found a website of a golf promotion company, called Links Marketing&Promotions. I felt like I am back in the late 90's. No introduction who they are what are they doing (although from menu names you can…

Golf courses’ media mix and social media – part 2

By: 2009. 10. 26.

In my previous post I highlighted how and why golf courses should incorporate social media in their media mix. What I forgot to write in that post, is how branding changed in the last couple of years due…

Golf courses’ media mix and social media

By: 2009. 10. 25.

This week I participated in an interesting debate on LinkedIn.com about social media's role in golf courses' media mix. Some people said that it is a conservative industry, others that golf courses' marketing managers are lazy. While working…